Thursday, May 5, 2011

Best Friend Blogger Award

I want to express my appreciation to Stephanie at Cricutmimi for giving me this very special award, the Best Friend Blogger Award. Sorry I am so late in making this post! I began my crafting journey in 2010 by posting my work on the Cricut Messageboard. Stephanie always left such kind and encouraging comments on my posts. Later I started my blog and she continues to be a great friend and encourager! Visit her blog to see all her lovely work! Thank you again Stephanie!
I understand the Best Friend Award is to be given to those who frequently visit your blog. Thanks to blogging I have many wonderful friends and I appreciate each of you! Thank you for your many visits and kind comments on my blog! You always make my day with your comments!
In passing the award, I want to recognize a few talented ladies that have supported and encouraged me from the beginning days of my crafting and continue to be great friends! Please visit their blogs and see all their talented work!
Joy Sikes - Purtty Paperz; Sandi - Sandi's Added Touch; Larelyn - Handmade from My Heart;  Vivi - Vivi en Papel 
Thanks again for all the support from each of you that follow my blog and take the time to visit me! Your visits and comments mean so much to me!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, thanks Glenda. I know what you mean about special blogging friends. Visiting blogs can be like phone calls between good friends - we all care about each other.
    Take care, and thank you again.
